Elizabeth Broadway Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Elizabeth Broadway

Elizabeth Broadway is a rising star in the entertainment industry, with a promising career ahead of her. This 26-year-old actress has already made a name for herself with notable roles in popular TV shows and movies. But aside from her talent and acting skills, many are curious about her personal life, including her net worth, age, height, weight, family, and other interesting facts.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Elizabeth Broadway and uncover everything you need to know about this talented actress. So, if you’re a fan or just curious about this rising star, keep reading to find out more!

Who is Elizabeth Broadway?

Elizabeth Broadway is an actress from America. Elizabeth Broadway was born in a place called Toledo, in Ohio, on February 16, 1998. That means she celebrates her birthday with cakes and presents in the winter! She loves acting and has been in many TV shows and movies. Elizabeth Broadway is 26 years old as of 2026.

You might know her as Emma from a show called Gen V, which you can watch on Prime Video. She’s also played in other fun shows like The Rookie and movies like American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules. Elizabeth started acting when she was very young, just like how you might start learning something new now.

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She moved to a big city called Los Angeles with her mom and sister to become an actress. That’s where movies and TV shows are made! She also likes learning about computers and making videos. Elizabeth has a boyfriend named Tanner, and they both act in TV shows and movies.

Elizabeth Broadway

Bio wiki/

Date of birth        16 Febuary 2098
Net worth         $ 5 million
Gender          Female
Height      5 feet and 1 inches
Weight        58 kg
Status      in relationship 
Age       26 years old as of 2024

Elizabeth Broadway Early Life and Education

Elizabeth Broadway was a little girl with big dreams when she lived in Toledo, Ohio. Imagine living in a place where it gets super cold in the winter, that’s where Elizabeth started her adventure! She was not much older than you when she found out she loved to pretend, act, and be different characters.

It’s like when you play make-believe with your friends or toys, but Elizabeth wanted to do it on TV and movies. So, she would practice acting a lot, just like how you might practice riding a bike or reading books. Elizabeth also went to school like you. While she was learning her ABCs and 123s, she was also thinking about acting.

Sometimes, she would be in school plays, which are like big shows that schools do for fun. These plays helped Elizabeth learn more about acting and made her dream even bigger. And guess what? She loved learning so much that she also got interested in computers and making things work, just like magic! That’s a bit about how Elizabeth started her journey to become the actress she is today.

Elizabeth Broadway Parents and Siblings

Elizabeth Broadway grew up in a cozy home in Toledo, Ohio. She has a mom who is super supportive and always helped her chase her dreams of acting. Elizabeth also has a dad who works at a high school.

He’s a director! That means he helps students put on plays and shows, kind of like a teacher who helps you with your school projects. Elizabeth isn’t the only child in her family; she has a sister too! Together with her mom, sister, and supportive dad, Elizabeth moved to Los Angeles.

That’s a big city where lots of movies and TV shows are made. Imagine moving to a new city with your family to follow your dreams! Elizabeth’s family sounds really cool and supportive, doesn’t it?

Elizabeth Broadway Boyfriend/ Husband

Elizabeth Broadway has a boyfriend named Tanner Buchanan. Tanner is also an actor, just like Elizabeth! They met while they were both acting in TV shows and movies. Imagine having a best friend who loves doing the same things you do; that’s how it is for Elizabeth and Tanner.

Elizabeth Broadway

They have lots of fun together, going to movie premieres and hanging out. It’s like having a partner for all your adventures. They both support each other in their acting jobs and cheer each other on.

It’s really special to have someone who understands what you love doing. Just like how you might have a friend who likes the same games or cartoons as you, Elizabeth has Tanner, and they share their love for acting.

Elizabeth Broadway The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Elizabeth Broadway is a pretty lady who looks just like someone you might see on TV or in movies because, well, she is! When she stands up straight, she is as tall as five apples stacked on top of each other, maybe even a little more.

That’s about how tall your big brother or sister might be! If you were to guess how much Elizabeth Broadway weight is about 58 kg, imagine 100 bags of sugar, but she’s lighter than that, just right for her height. Elizabeth looks strong and healthy, like she could run around the playground without getting too tired. Elizabeth Broadway height is 5 feet and 2 inches.

She takes good care of herself, eating fruits and veggies, and maybe she even plays games that make her move a lot. She smiles a lot too, which makes her even more lovely. Remember, it’s not just how tall you are or what you look like that makes you special; it’s being kind and smiling just like Elizabeth does.

Elizabeth Broadway

Before Fame

Before Elizabeth Broadway became a star on TV and in movies, she was just a little girl with big dreams in Toledo, Ohio. Imagine being really young and already knowing what you want to be when you grow up.

That was Elizabeth! She loved to pretend and act out stories, playing different characters, maybe even some you’d recognize from your favorite books or cartoons. Elizabeth didn’t just dream about being an actress; she worked hard too. She would practice acting all the time, learning how to make pretend feel real.

Just like how you practice tying your shoes or drawing pictures, Elizabeth practiced being the best actress she could be. Even when she was your age, she knew that acting was her special talent and she wanted to share it with the world. Isn’t it cool to think about how even when she was a kid, Elizabeth was on her way to becoming a star?

Elizabeth Broadway Career

Elizabeth Broadway’s journey in acting is like a fun adventure where she gets to play dress-up and pretend to be different people. She started acting on a TV show called Southland, pretending to be a character named Brooks. Imagine playing make-believe, but on a big TV show!

Then, she went on to act in a funny show called Shameless and even played in a movie for TV named Bad Mom. Elizabeth kept acting, showing up in shows like Bones, where she pretended to be Kat, and Trophy Wife, where she was Maya.

She had a really big adventure starring in a movie called 16 and Missing and pretending to be Becca. Imagine being in a pretend search and rescue mission! Elizabeth has been in many shows, even playing Emma in Gen V. It’s like she gets to be in a new adventure every time she acts in a show or movie.

Elizabeth Broadway Net Worth

Elizabeth Broadway has done a lot of acting in TV shows and movies, which is kind of like how you get allowance money for doing chores. When you do many chores,  Well, Elizabeth gets paid for her acting, and she saves up her money too. People are curious about how much money she has saved from acting, which is called her net worth. Elizabeth Broadway net worth is about $ 5 million.

It’s like when you save your allowance to buy a big toy. Although we don’t know the exact amount of Elizabeth’s “big toy” money, we know she’s worked hard, just like you do with chores, and has probably saved up a lot. Remember, the important thing is that she loves acting and sharing stories, not just the money part.

Famous Reason

Elizabeth Broadway became famous because she is a very talented actress who can pretend to be many different people. You might know her as Emma from the TV show Gen V. It’s a show many people watch, and they really liked Elizabeth in it.

Just like when you play a game and everyone wants you to be on their team because you’re really good, that’s how Elizabeth became famous. People saw her acting in TV shows and movies, and they thought she was really good at playing pretend. She gets to dress up as different characters and tell stories on TV and movies.

That sounds like a fun game, And just like how you might feel happy when your friends say you’re good at a game, Elizabeth feels happy when people enjoy her acting. That’s how she became a well-known actress!

Elizabeth Broadway Real Name and Ethnicity

Elizabeth Broadway’s real name is actually Elizabeth Lee Broadway. It’s like when you have a special name that your family calls you at home, but Elizabeth uses her full name for acting and on TV. Her middle name, “Lee,” is like a little extra piece of her name that makes it special just for her.

Elizabeth comes from a place called America, which means she is American. America is like a big salad with all different kinds of people mixed together. Elizabeth is part of that mix, too. About where her family comes from, or her ethnicity, it’s like a recipe that makes her unique. Every family has its own story and comes from different places. Elizabeth’s story is just one of many in America.

Elizabeth Broadway Nationality and Religion

Elizabeth Broadway was born in a place called Toledo, Ohio, which is in a big country named the United States of America. So, she is an American, just like people you might know from your neighborhood or school. America is a place where people from all over the world come to live, so being American means you can be from lots of different backgrounds.

As for religion, that’s about what people believe, like stories about how the world was made or what happens when we are extra kind to each other. Elizabeth hasn’t talked much about her religion, which is okay because everyone believes in different things. It’s like how some friends might believe in the tooth fairy, and some might not. What’s important is being kind and respectful to everyone, no matter what they believe.

Legacy and Impact

Elizabeth Broadway is like a shining star in the world of movies and TV shows. She shows everyone, even kids like you, that following your dreams is super important. Imagine if you wanted to be an astronaut or a teacher; Elizabeth tells us that it’s possible if you keep trying. By acting in many different shows and movies, she teaches us about all kinds of stories and characters, like heroes and adventurers.

She helps us learn and feel new things, like how to be brave or how to laugh. Elizabeth’s acting is like a gift; she shares it with the world and makes it a happier place. Just like when you share your toys or drawings with friends, Elizabeth shares her talent and makes lots of people smile. That’s a big impact, like making ripples in a pond when you throw in a stone!

Future Plains

Elizabeth Broadway has big dreams for her future, just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up. She wants to act in even more movies and TV shows, bringing new characters to life and telling amazing stories that can make you laugh or feel excited. Elizabeth also thinks about helping others learn to act because she loves sharing what she knows, just like how you might teach a friend to play a new game.

Plus, she’s curious about making her own movies or shows one day, like being the boss of a big treasure hunt where she decides the map and clues. Imagine all the adventures and fun stories she can create for everyone to enjoy! Elizabeth’s future is as bright and exciting as a chest full of glittering treasure waiting to be discovered.


Elizabeth Broadway has fun hobbies just like you might have. Here are some things she loves to do:

  • Making Videos: Elizabeth likes to create videos. It’s like when you play with your toys and make up stories, but she records hers.
  • Learning about Computers: She thinks computers are cool and likes to learn how they work. It’s a bit like solving a puzzle or playing a video game where you figure things out.
  • Acting for Fun: Even when she’s not on TV, Elizabeth loves to act. She might pretend to be a superhero or a character from a book, just for fun.
  • Spending Time with Her Boyfriend: Elizabeth and Tanner, her boyfriend, like to have adventures together, maybe watching movies or exploring new places.
  • Playing with Her Dog: Just like you might love playing with a pet, Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her dog, going for walks, and playing fetch.

Interesting Facts About Elizabeth Broadway

  • Elizabeth’s middle name is Lee.
  • She was born in the cold month of February.
  • Toledo, Ohio, is her hometown.
  • She loves learning about computers, like a secret tech wizard.
  • Making videos is one of her favorite hobbies, almost like a fun game.
  • She moved to a big city called Los Angeles for acting, kind of like a big adventure.
  • Elizabeth has a special someone, Tanner, who is also an actor, so they share their acting adventures together.
  • Her dad helps students act in school plays, which is pretty cool!


What does Elizabeth do?

She acts in TV shows and movies, playing different characters.

Where is she from?

Elizabeth is from a place called Toledo in Ohio.

Does Elizabeth have any pets?

Yes, she has a dog she loves playing with.

Who is Elizabeth’s boyfriend?

Her boyfriend’s name is Tanner, and he acts too!

What are Elizabeth’s hobbies?

She likes making videos, learning about computers, acting just for fun, hanging out with Tanner, and playing with her dog.

When is her birthday?

Elizabeth’s birthday is on February 16th, so she has a winter birthday!


Elizabeth Broadway is like a shining star in the world of movies and TV shows. She shows everyone, even kids like you, that following your dreams is super important. Imagine if you wanted to be an astronaut or a teacher; Elizabeth tells us that it’s possible if you keep trying.

Just like when you share your toys or drawings with friends, Elizabeth shares her talent and makes lots of people smile. That’s a big impact, like making ripples in a pond when you throw in a stone!


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