Alexia Fast Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Alexia Fast

Alexia Fast has been making waves in the entertainment industry since she was just seven years old. Now, Alexia Fast (born 12 September 1992) at the age of 29, this Canadian actress has an impressive career under her belt, with numerous film and television credits to her name.

But it’s not just her talent that has people talking – many are also curious about Alexia Fast’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at all these aspects of the talented actress and see what we can uncover about her life and career in 2024.

Who is Alexia Fast?

Alexia Fast is a really cool actress from Canada. Alexia Fast was born 12 September 1992. When she was just a little kid, only seven years old, she made her own movie called The Red Bridge. She didn’t just act in it; she also told everyone what to do because she was the director! That’s like being the boss of the movie. Alexia Fast is 31 years old as of 2024.

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People liked her movie so much that they showed it at a big film festival. When Alexia turned 13, she acted in a big movie called Fido. It’s pretty amazing because not many kids get to be in big movies like that. She loves acting so much that she even won a special award for being an awesome actress when she was still pretty young. Alexia Fast is 5 feet and 9 inches tall.

Alexia also knows how to speak two languages, English and French, which is pretty handy. She grew up in a place called Vancouver in Canada with her family. Her mom makes movies too! Alexia also worked with other actors and keeps doing what she loves – acting in movies and TV shows. Alexia Fast weigt is 55 kg.

Bio wiki/

Date of birth     Alexia Fast (born 12 September 1992)
Net worth       About $10 million
Gender     Female
Height      5 feet and 9 inches tall
Weight      55 kg
Status      unmarried
Age     31 years old as you 2024


Alexia Fast

Alexia Fast Moves list 





2007 Kickin’ It Old Skool Young Jennifer
2009 Helen Julie
2009 What Goes Up Hannah
2009 Hungry Hills Robin
2010 Repeaters Charlotte Halsted
2010 Triple Dog Eve
2012 Last Kind Words Amanda
2012 Blackbird Deanna Roy
2012 Jack Reacher Sandy
2014 The Captive Cassandra Lane Working title was Queen of the Night
2014 Grace Grace / Mary also known as Grace: The Possession
2017 The Ninth Passenger Jess
2019 We Had It Coming Olivia
2021 Apex West Zaroff
2022 The Last Mark Peyton

Alexia Fast

Alexia Fas Real Name and Ethnicity

Alexia Fast is the name everyone knows her by, She didn’t have to change it or pick a fancy stage name when she became an actress. Her name is just as cool as she is! Alexia comes from a beautiful place called Vancouver in Canada. This means she is Canadian. But you might be wondering,

Well, Alexia’s ethnicity, or the mix of places her family comes from, isn’t something that is talked about a lot. What’s important is that she’s a talented girl who has grown up to be a great actress. She shows us that no matter where you’re from, you can do amazing things if you love doing them!

Alexia Fas Early Life and Education

Alexia Fast grew up in a lovely city called Vancouver in Canada. As a little girl, Alexia had a big imagination and loved telling stories. She was always dreaming up adventures and making her own little movies. When she was just seven years old, she made a very special movie called The Red Bridge. She didn’t just act in it;

she was also the boss of the movie, telling everyone where to go and what to do. That’s what a director does! Alexia went to school like other kids, but she also had to learn how to act in front of a camera. This might sound easy, but it takes a lot of practice to be good at it. Imagine having to remember lines, where to stand, and how to show your feelings without saying a word!

Alexia worked very hard, both in her regular school and in learning all about acting. She showed everyone that if you love doing something and practice a lot, you can achieve your dreams, just like she did.

Parents and Siblings

Alexia Fast grew up in a family that loves movies just like her! Her mom’s name is Cheryl-Lee Fast, She’s a movie producer! That means she helps make movies happen. Imagine how cool it is to have a mom who knows all about creating stories for the big screen. It’s like having a magician in the family who brings stories to life.

Alexia also has a brother and a sister. They grew up together in Vancouver, Canada, sharing adventures and probably watching a lot of movies together. Having siblings means you always have friends to play with, share secrets, and maybe even make your own home movies. Alexia’s family sounds like a team, with everyone bringing their own special magic to the story.

Alexia Fas Boyfriend/ Husband

In the world of movies and big stars, people often wonder if someone as cool as Alexia Fast has a special someone in her life, which is Bruce Willis like a boyfriend or maybe even a husband. It’s like when you have a best friend you share secrets with or play your favorite games together. Just like in fairy tales where princesses meet their princes, fans are curious if Alexia has found her prince charming.

Alexia Fast

Alexia keeps that part of her life like a secret treasure map, not showing everyone where the “X” marks the spot. She believes some stories are just for her, not for the whole world to know. So, we might not know if she has a boyfriend or husband, but we do know she loves acting, and that’s a big part of her happily ever after.

The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Alexia Fast is quite tall! She stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall. That’s like stacking almost six big rule sticks on top of each other! We don’t know exactly how much she weighs, but what’s really cool is how she carries herself with confidence no matter what.

Alexia looks amazing on screen because she’s healthy and takes good care of herself. Just like superheroes have their special suits, actors like Alexia make sure they are fit and strong to do all kinds of fun roles in movies. Alexia Fast weight is 55 kg

Alexia Fast

Whether she’s playing a hero or going on an adventure, her height helps her stand out and look great in all her roles. Remember, being healthy and happy with who you are is what makes you shine, just like Alexia! She is 31 years old as of 2024.

Before Fame

Before Alexia Fast became a star in movies, she was just like any other kid, with dreams and a big imagination. She lived in Vancouver, a big city in Canada, where she had fun playing and coming up with stories. But Alexia wasn’t just any kid; she was super creative! She loved making up stories so much that, when she was only seven years old, she decided to make her very own movie.

Can you imagine being both the boss and the star of your movie? That’s exactly what Alexia did! She didn’t just pretend; she actually made her movie, called The Red Bridge. This wasn’t just any playtime – she got to show her movie at big film festivals where lots of people came to watch. Even before she was famous, Alexia was sharing her bright ideas with the world, showing everyone just how much she loved creating stories.

Alexia Fas Career

Alexia Fast has been in many movies and TV shows, playing all sorts of fun and interesting characters. After making her very own movie when she was just a little girl, she knew she wanted to be an actress. So, she kept acting and learning more about how to be great in movies. When she was 13, she acted in a movie called “Fido,” which was really cool because she got to be a star in a big movie!

She also won a special award for acting super well in another movie. Alexia didn’t stop there; she kept working hard and acting in more movies and shows. People really liked watching her because she was so good at making her characters come to life. Every time she acts, she gets to pretend to be someone else, which is like playing dress-up but in a very professional way!

Net Worth

Thinking about how much money someone has can be a bit like counting how many stars are in the sky—it’s not always easy to know! But when it comes to Alexia Fast, people think she has done really well because she’s been in a lot of movies and TV shows. Imagine if every time you played a game, someone gave you a gold coin. Alexia Fast net worth is round avout $ 10 million.

Well, Alexia has played in so many movies, it’s like she has a treasure chest of gold coins! Although we don’t know the exact number of coins in her chest, it’s safe to say she probably has enough to buy a castle or maybe a spaceship to visit the stars. Remember, the most important treasure is doing what you love, just like Alexia does with acting!

Alexia Fas Famous Reason

Alexia Fast became really famous because she’s super good at acting in movies and TV shows. People started noticing her when she was just a little kid, making her own movie. Then, she was in a big film called “Fido” when she was only 13 years old!

Alexia Fast

She also won an award for acting super well, which is like getting a gold star for doing an amazing job. Because she’s been in so many cool shows and movies, lots of people know who she is. She’s like a star that shines bright in the sky of movies and TV!

Nationality and Religion

Alexia Fast is from Canada, which makes her Canadian. It’s like if you were born in a place, that place is a part of who you are. Just like you might be from your hometown, Alexia is from a beautiful city called Vancouver.

Now, about religion, which is what some people believe in, like stories about the world and how to be good to others. Alexia keeps her beliefs private, which means she doesn’t talk much about them publicly. It’s like having a secret clubhouse where you decide who knows the password. Everyone has different beliefs, and that’s perfectly okay!

Legacy and Impact

Alexia Fast is like a bright star in the world of movies and TV shows. She started showing her magic in movies when she was just a little kid, just like you. By making her own stories and playing all kinds of roles, Alexia has inspired many people.

She shows everyone, especially young girls, that you can follow your dreams and become whatever you want, like a director, an actress, or even a superhero in your story. Her journey tells us that if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can light up the world with your talent, just like she does.

Future Plains

Alexia Fast has big dreams for the future! Just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up, Alexia has plans too. She wants to keep acting in movies and TV shows because it’s her favorite thing to do.

Imagine playing pretend as your job! Alexia might also want to make more of her own movies, where she gets to be the boss and tell the story. She loves sharing her stories with the world. Plus, who knows? Maybe she’ll become a superhero in a movie one day. Whatever she does, it’s going to be exciting!


  • Playing dress-up: Alexia loves to try on different costumes and imagine she’s all kinds of characters. It’s like Halloween every day!
  • Making movies: Just like when she was a kid, Alexia still enjoys creating her own stories and filming them.
  • It’s super fun to be both in front of and behind the camera.
  • Reading: Alexia enjoys diving into books. It’s like going on an adventure without leaving her room!
  • Drawing: She likes to draw pictures, maybe of places she wants to visit or characters she dreams up. It’s like magic on paper.
  • Learning languages: Alexia knows English and French, but she thinks it’s fun to learn new words in other languages too. It’s like discovering secret codes!

Interesting Facts About Alexia Fas

  • Alexia made her very own movie when she was just 7 years old.
  • That’s younger than a third grader!
  • She won a big award for acting when she was only 13. That’s like winning a huge trophy in a sport, but for acting!
  • Alexia can speak two languages
  • English and French. It’s like she knows a secret language besides the one we all speak.
  • Her mom helps make movies too. It’s like having a superhero mom who can create movie magic!
  • Alexia loves to play pretend not just on screen but in real life too, making up stories and characters just for fun.


How old is Alexia Fast?

She’s 31 years old, like counting to 31 with one birthday each time!

What was Alexia’s first movie?

She made a movie called “The Red Bridge” when she was just 7, like you!

Does Alexia have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, she has a brother and a sister. They are like her teammates at home.

Can Alexia speak different languages?

Yep! She speaks English and French. It’s like knowing how to talk to more friends.

Has Alexia won any awards?

Sure! She won a big award for acting super well when she was 13. It’s like getting the biggest gold star in class.


Alexia Fast is super talented and works hard in movies. She started making her own movie when she was just a little kid! Alexia has a big treasure of acting awards because she acts so well. She speaks two languages, English and French, which is really cool.

Alexia dreams about acting in even more movies and maybe being a superhero. She loves to play dress-up, make movies, read books, draw, and learn new languages. She shows us that if you love doing something and work hard, you can do amazing things just like her!


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