Dominique McElligott Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Dominique McElligott

Dominique McElligott is an Irish actress who has made a name for herself in both film and television. Dominique McElligott was Born on March 5, 1986, in Dublin, McElligott has become a familiar face to audiences with her roles in popular shows like Hell on Wheels and House of Cards.

With her talent and hard work, McElligott has also amassed a significant net worth. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at her net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki as we head into 2024.

Who is Dominique McElligott?

Dominique McElligott is a very talented actress from a place called Dublin in Ireland, Born on March 5, 1986, in Dublin. Dominique McElligott is 38 years old as of 2024. Imagine living in a country famous for its green hills and ancient castles; that’s where she’s from! When she was just a little older than you, she started acting, which means she pretended to be different people in movies and TV shows. Dominique McElligott is tall lady having height of 5 feet and8 inches.

Also read:

Dominique went to a big school called University College Dublin before she became a star. She has been in a lot of shows where she plays someone who is the hero or a very important person. You might know her as Queen Maeve, a super strong lady in a show called “The Boys.” Dominique McElligott net worth is round about $5 million.

She acts like she has superpowers and helps save the day! Dominique loves acting and has been in big shows and movies. She’s really good at making believe and showing us all kinds of adventures on screen.Dominique McElligott weight is 58 kg.

Dominique McElligott

Bio wiki/

Date of birth        March 5, 1986, in Dublin
Net worth      $ 5 million
Gender      Female
Height    5 feet and  8 inches tall
Weight     58 kg
Status   Married
Age  Relation


Dominique McElligott Real Name and Ethnicity

Dominique McElligott’s real name is exactly the same as you see on TV and in movies; she doesn’t use a stage name! That means when you hear “Dominique McElligott,” that’s her real name. She comes from a place called Ireland, which is an island far away across the ocean. Ireland is known for its beautiful green lands and magical stories.

People from Ireland are often called Irish. This means Dominique is Irish too! Being Irish is a part of who she is, just like where you come from is a special part of you. Ireland has a rich history and culture, with lots of music, dancing, and stories. So, Dominique’s background is full of interesting tales and traditions from Ireland.

Early Life and Education

Dominique McElligott was born on a special day called March 5th, in the year 1986. This was the day when a little girl in Dublin, Ireland, who would grow up to be a star, started her journey. Dublin is a city full of stories and history, and it’s where Dominique called home. When she was about your age, she went to school just like you.

She learned to read, write, and play. As she grew older, she found something she really loved: acting. Acting is when you pretend to be someone else, telling their story. She practiced a lot, in school plays and little performances, getting better each time. After finishing school, where kids learn all the basics, she decided she wanted to learn even more.

So, she went to a big place called University College Dublin. This is a college where grown-ups go to study and learn about things they’re really interested in. Dominique was very interested in acting, so she kept learning and practicing, getting ready to share stories with people all over the world.

Dominique McElligott Parents and Siblings

When Dominique McElligott was a little girl in Dublin, Ireland, she lived with her family. Her family included her mom and dad, who loved her very much. They were always there to support her dreams of becoming an actress.

Dominique might also have brothers or sisters, who would be her siblings. Siblings are like teammates; they grow up together, play together, and sometimes even argue, but they always care for each other. We don’t know their names or if she has any because Dominique likes to keep her family life private.

This means she doesn’t talk much about them in public, but we can imagine they’re very proud of all the amazing things she has done in movies and TV shows. Just like your family cheers you on, Dominique’s family was there for her from the very beginning.

Dominique McElligott Boyfriend/ Husband

In the world of movies and TV shows, Dominique McElligott is a star who shines bright, playing heroes and important people on screen. But when the cameras aren’t rolling, Dominique has her own life, just like you and me.People often wonder if she has a special someone, like a boyfriend or a husband, Dominique McElligott has boyfriend name Anson Mount in her life and sharing pics and adventures with him. someone she shares her happiest moments with or goes on adventures with.

Dominique McElligott

Dominique, just like a princess in a fairy tale, might have her prince charming, but she likes to keep that part of her story a secret. She believes some stories are special and are meant to be kept close to the heart, away from the lights and cameras.

So, we respect her wish to keep these details private. Just like in your favorite storybook, not all secrets need to be told, and that’s okay. It’s important to remember that everyone, including stars like Dominique, has their own private tales of adventure and love.

The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Dominique McElligott stands tall like a superhero from your favorite comic book. She is 5 feet 8 inches tall, which is as high as about three and a half stacked skateboards! Imagine looking up to someone that tall; you might have to tilt your head back just to see them smile.

Dominique has a healthy weight that helps her run and jump, especially when she’s pretending to be a superhero on TV. She looks just like what you would think a queen or a hero looks like in those stories where they save the day. Her is weight is 58kg.

Dominique McElligott

Dominique takes good care of herself, eating lots of fruits and veggies and staying active, so she can be strong for her roles. She shows us that being healthy is part of being ready for any adventure, whether it’s on a movie set or playing outside with friends.

Before Fame

Before she became a big star on TV and in movies, Dominique McElligott was a regular girl just like you! She lived in a city called Dublin in Ireland, a place full of magic and stories. When she was younger, she didn’t have fancy costumes or cameras following her. Instead, she had books, school, and her family and friends. She went to school every day, learned new things, and played with her friends.

Dominique loved to pretend and use her imagination, acting out stories and becoming different characters. This was her way of practicing to be an actress even before she knew it was her dream job. So, before all the lights and cameras, Dominique was learning, growing, and dreaming just like any kid, ready for the big adventures that were waiting for her.

Dominique McElligott Career

Dominique McElligott started acting like playing pretend for her job when she was a bit older. First, she was in a show called “Raw” where she pretended to run a restaurant. Then, she got to wear old-timey clothes in “Hell on Wheels,” acting like she lived long ago with trains. She even got to be a space hero’s wife in “Moon” and had fun pretending in other shows and movies.

She became a superhero named Queen Maeve in “The Boys,” wearing a cape and pretending to save the day. Just like when you dress up and play heroes with your friends, Dominique gets to do that too, but on TV where lots of people watch her adventures. She shows us how fun and exciting acting can be, turning make-believe into her job.

Net Worth

Imagine you have a big, giant piggy bank, and every time you do something amazing, like being super good at pretend play, you get a coin to put inside. That’s kind of like what happens with Dominique McElligott. She gets coins for her wonderful acting in movies and TV shows. But instead of a piggy bank, she has something called “net worth.” is round about $ 5 million.

That’s a way to say how many coins she’s saved up from her acting adventures. People are very curious about how full her piggy bank is! While we don’t know the exact number of coins Dominique has saved up, we can guess it’s a lot because she’s been in so many cool shows and movies. It’s like she’s been saving up coins for a long, long time because she’s so good at playing pretend.

Famous Reason

Dominique McElligott became really famous for playing a superhero named Queen Maeve in a show called “The Boys.” Think of Queen Maeve like your favorite superhero who is super strong and helps people. Just like when you play heroes with your toys, Dominique gets to dress up in a cool costume and pretend to save the world on TV.


People from all over the world watch her and cheer for her because she’s so good at making believe she has superpowers. That’s why lots of boys and girls, and even moms and dads, know who she is. She shows us that being brave and helping others is really important, and that’s a big reason why she’s famous.

Dominique McElligott Nationality and Religion

Dominique McElligott comes from a beautiful green island called Ireland, making her Irish. Ireland is a special place with lots of stories, music, and dancing. People there are known for being very friendly and having a rich history. That’s why we say Dominique is Irish – it’s where she was born and where she calls home. As for religion, it’s something very personal.

It’s about what people believe in their hearts, like who made the stars or where the rain comes from. Dominique keeps her personal beliefs private, which means she doesn’t talk much about them in public. Just like everyone has their favorite color or food, people have their own beliefs too, and that’s okay. It’s what makes each of us special and unique.

Dominique McElligott Legacy and Impact

Dominique McElligott has done some pretty amazing things in movies and TV shows. She’s like a superhero in real life, showing us that it’s cool to pretend and dream big. Because of her, when you watch her play Queen Maeve or any of her other characters, you might think, “Wow, I can be brave and strong too!”

She helps us believe in the magic of stories, where anything can happen if you’re kind and bold. Every time Dominique acts as a hero or a kind person in her shows, she’s teaching us to be better friends and to always help others. This is how she leaves a sparkle wherever she goes, making the world a little brighter with her acting. Isn’t that a wonderful kind of magic?

Future Plains

Dominique McElligott has had lots of adventures in movies and TV shows, playing heroes and making us believe in magic. What’s next for her? Well, just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Dominique dreams about her next big roles. Maybe she’ll fly to outer space in a new movie, or become a detective solving mysteries.

She might even become a teacher in a story, helping kids learn amazing things. Whatever she decides to do, we know it will be exciting and full of surprises. Just like you, Dominique is always dreaming about the future and all the fun adventures waiting for her. Let’s keep watching to see where her imagination takes her next!


  • Watching Movies: Dominique loves to snuggle up with some popcorn and watch her favorite films.
  • It’s like having adventures while staying cozy at home!
  • Reading Books: She enjoys diving into books, exploring magical worlds and meeting new characters without leaving her room.
  • Hiking: Exploring nature, Dominique hikes through forests and climbs hills, looking for beautiful views and fresh air.
  • Playing with Pets: She has fun spending time with furry friends, playing fetch or just cuddling.
  • Drawing: With pencils and colors, Dominique creates pictures from her imagination, bringing her dreams onto paper.

Interesting Facts About Dominique McElligott

  • Dominique loves watching the stars at night, imagining different galaxies and adventures.
  • She once dressed up as a superhero for Halloween, feeling just like Queen Maeve.
  • Dominique enjoys singing, even if it’s just for her pets at home.
  • She learned to ride a bike when she was very young and still loves cycling.
  • Her favorite snack is chocolate, which she says gives her “superpowers.”
  • Dominique has a secret talent for making really cool origami animals.
  • She dreams of visiting every continent to learn about different cultures and stories.


How old is Dominique McElligott?

She was born in 1986, and 38 years old as of 2024.

Where is she from?

Dominique is from Dublin, Ireland. It’s an island with lots of green places and old castles.

What shows has she been in?

She’s been a superhero in “The Boys” and has acted in other cool shows like “Hell on Wheels.”

Is Dominique really a queen?

No, but she plays one on TV! She pretends to be Queen Maeve, who is like a superhero.

Does Dominique have any hobbies?

Yes! She likes watching movies, reading books, hiking, playing with pets, and drawing.


Dominique McElligott’s journey from a young girl in Dublin to a shining star in movies and TV shows teaches us to dream big and work hard. Through her roles, she’s like a superhero, inspiring us to be brave and kind. Whether she’s exploring space, the old West, or fighting as Queen Maeve,

she shows us how fun and magical acting can be. Remember, everyone has their own story and dreams, just like Dominique. Keep dreaming, learning, and maybe one day, you can share your own adventures with the world, just like she does.


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