Hermione Corfield Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Hermione Corfield

Hermione Corfield is a rising star in the entertainment industry, with a promising career as an actress and a growing fan base. Hermione Corfield was born December 19, 1993, in London, England, Hermione has captured the hearts of many with her talent and beauty. Hermione Corfield height of 5’8″ and a weight of 55kg, she has a striking presence on screen.

But there’s more to Hermione than just her appearance. In this blog post, we’ll delve into her net worth, age, family, and more to get a better understanding of the talented actress.

Who is Hermione Corfield?

Hermione Corfield is a British actress who has been in movies and shows. Hermione Corfield was born on December 19, 1993, in London, which is a big city in England. Hermione has always loved acting and telling stories through her roles in movies. She has played parts in cool movies like “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation” where there are lots of spies and adventures, and “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” where she got to be part of a huge space adventure with planets and stars.

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Hermione went to college to learn more about English books and stories before she became an actress. She also learned acting at a special school in New York. Hermione loves fashion too, which she got interested in because of her mom’s shop. She has a cute dog named Otter and enjoys sharing pictures and talking with her fans online.

Hermione Corfield

Bio wiki/

full name: Hermione Ezra Cunningham Corfield
stage name:                                   Hermione Corfield
date of birth:                      December 19, 1993 (30 years old)
place of birth:                                   London, United Kingdom
Country of Citizenship:                                               U.K.
parents:                                Richard Corfield, Emma Willis
high:                                                1.73 m
brothers and sisters:                         Isadora Corfield, Kay Corfield
Boyfriend • Husband:                                        Andreas Shaw
Profession:                           Actress • Television personality
net worth:                                       $1.5 million

Real Name and Ethnicity

Hermione Corfield is her real name, which sounds like it comes from a fairy tale,  Hermione was born in a place called London in England, making her British. Just like in stories where people come from different parts of the world, Hermione comes from a place full of history and cool places to visit. England is known for its old castles, red buses, and lots of rain! Hermione’s family gave her a beautiful name that makes her sound like a princess.

About where her family is from or what her background is, like a lot of people in England, Hermione’s family might have come from different places a long, long time ago, but she is British through and through. That means she might enjoy tea, rainy days, and maybe even soccer, just like many other people from England!

Early Life and Education

Hermione Corfield grew up in a big, busy city called London, right in England.  As a little girl, Hermione loved stories – whether they were in books, movies, or tales her family told her. When she was about your age, she probably went to a school much like yours, where she learned to read, write, and maybe even act in school plays! As Hermione got older, she didn’t stop loving stories.

She decided she wanted to learn even more about them. So, after finishing school, she went to a special school called University College London. There, she didn’t learn magic like Harry Potter, but she did study something called English Literature, which is all about understanding and loving books and stories. Later on, Hermione went even further and studied acting in New York.

Parents and Siblings

Hermione Corfield comes from a family where creativity and love for fashion are in the air she breathes. Hermione Corfield mom is Emma Willis, is like a magician with clothes, running her very own fashion shop. Imagine having a mom who could make any piece of clothing look like it’s from a fairy tale! Hermione Corfield dad is Richard Corfield, is part of her family’s story too, though what he does is a bit more of a mystery.

Hermione isn’t the only child in her family. Hermione Corfield has a brother named Kai and a sister named Isadora. Think of them as her team, kind of like having your very own squad to explore big adventures with or just hang out at home. Together, they make a family that’s full of love, creativity, and lots of fun.

Hermione Corfield Boyfriend/ Husband

Hermione Corfield has a special friend named Andreås Shaw, who makes music. They are not married but they are very close, like best friends who also care a lot about each other. They live together in a cozy apartment in East London, which is a big city with lots of interesting places to see and things to do.

Hermione Corfield

Just like how some people have best friends at school or in their neighborhood, Hermione and Andreås are like that, but they also share their home and life adventures together. Imagine having a friend who you can share your favorite music with, or who understands when you need a laugh. That’s what Hermione has with Andreås. They enjoy being together and making their part of the world a happy place.


The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Hermione Corfield is as tall as a basketball hoop is high from the ground! Hermione Corfield stands at 5 feet 8 inches tall. Imagine stacking about 11 and a half rulers on top of each other – that’s how tall she is! Hermione weighs as much as about 55 bags of sugar, but in people weight, that’s 55 kilograms. She looks very strong and healthy, like someone who could easily play the hero in a storybook adventure or maybe even race across fields like a superhero.

Hermione has a figure that’s just right for all the cool costumes she gets to wear in her movies. Whether she’s pretending to be a space explorer or a daring adventurer, her appearance helps her fit right into her roles. Just like how you might dress up to look like your favorite character, Hermione’s height, weight, and how she looks help her become whoever she needs to be in her movies. It’s kind of like playing dress-up but on a big, big stage for the whole world to see!


Hermione Corfield Before Fame

Before Hermione Corfield became a famous actress, she was a lot like you! She lived in London, a big city with lots of people and cool places to explore. When she was younger, she loved reading books, just like you might enjoy fairy tales or stories about adventures. Hermione went to a school where she learned about all sorts of interesting things, just like you’re doing now.

She loved acting, playing different characters and pretending to be in different worlds. Imagine if you could be a knight, a space explorer, or a wizard just by acting! That’s what Hermione loved to do. She also enjoyed fashion because of her mom’s clothing shop, which was like a treasure chest of beautiful clothes. So, before she was in movies, Hermione was learning, playing, and dreaming just like you.

Hermione Corfield

Hermione Corfield Career

Hermione Corfield is like a star in movies and TV shows. She started by learning a lot about stories and acting, then she got to be in big adventures on screen! She acted in a movie with lots of spies called “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation” and even flew to space in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” Imagine being in a spaceship or fighting alongside heroes!

Hermione also had to be brave in movies like “Rust Creek” and went on a sea adventure in “Sea Fever.” It’s like she goes on treasure hunts in different worlds. Every movie she’s in, she pretends to be someone else – from brave heroes to smart adventurers.

Hermione Corfield Net Worth

Hermione Corfield has a treasure chest, but instead of gold and jewels, it’s filled with money she earned from acting in movies. Imagine having a piggy bank that’s so big, you can’t even lift it! That’s kind of like Hermione’s net worth. Net worth is $1.5 millon means all the money and things you own that are worth money. For Hermione, being in films like “Star Wars” and “Mission: Impossible” helped her fill her piggy bank a lot.

While we don’t know exactly how much is in her treasure chest, it’s safe to say it’s more than a thousand allowances! Hermione worked really hard, pretending to be all kinds of characters, and that’s how she was able to save up so much. It’s like getting paid to play make-believe,

Hermione Corfield Famous Reason

Hermione Corfield became famous because she acted in some really cool and big movies. Imagine being a secret spy in one movie and then traveling to space in another movie! She got to do just that in movies like “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation” and “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” People all over the world saw her pretending to be different characters and thought she did a really great job.

It’s kind of like when you play pretend and everyone thinks you’re really good at being the character you’re pretending to be. Hermione worked hard and showed everyone how good she is at acting, and that’s why she became famous. Plus, she got to have adventures in places most of us only dream about, which is super cool!

Nationality and Religion

Hermione Corfield is from a place called the United Kingdom, which means she is British. Imagine a country with lots of castles, red double-decker buses, and where people love to drink tea – that’s where she’s from! Being British is like being part of a big family that shares the same home country.

Hermione’s religion is Christianity, which is a faith that lots of people around the world follow. It teaches about kindness, love, and doing good things for others. Just like Hermione, everyone comes from somewhere special and might believe in different things that make them who they are.

Legacy and Impact

Hermione Corfield is like a shining star, showing everyone, especially girls, that they can be strong and brave heroes in movies. She helps people believe in their dreams, just like she believed in hers and became a great actress. When kids watch her on the big screen, they see a friend who’s having amazing adventures and being super brave.

Hermione’s movies teach us to be courageous and kind, and to always aim for the stars. She’s like a real-life superhero, inspiring lots of people to follow their hearts and do what they love, making a big, happy splash in the world!

Hermione Corfield

Future Plains

Hermione Corfield has big dreams for her future! Imagine a treasure map that leads to exciting adventures. That’s what Hermione’s future plans are like. She wants to be in more movies, maybe even ones where she can be a superhero or explore new worlds that no one has ever seen before! Hermione also dreams of telling her own stories, maybe even directing a movie one day.

Think about being able to create your own adventure tale with heroes, villains, and magical places. Plus, she hopes to keep inspiring kids everywhere to follow their dreams, just like she does. Who knows, maybe she’ll be in a movie about exploring the stars!

Hermione Corfield Hobbies

  • Hermione Corfield loves doing fun things when she’s not acting in movies! Here are some of her favorite hobbies:
  • Playing with her dog, Otter: Imagine running around and playing fetch with your furry best friend. That’s what Hermione loves to do!
  • Fashion and styling: She enjoys trying on new clothes and creating cool outfits. It’s like playing dress-up every day!
  • Reading books: Hermione loves diving into exciting stories and learning new things from books. It’s like going on an adventure without leaving your room!
  • Traveling: She likes exploring new places and seeing things she’s never seen before. Every trip is a new story!
  • Taking pictures: Hermione enjoys capturing moments with her camera, making memories that last forever.

Interesting Facts About Hermione Corfield

  • Hermione loves telling stories, not just in movies but also when hanging out with friends.
  • She once played a role where she was a secret agent, which she thought was super cool.
  •  Even though she acts in scary movies, she doesn’t like being scared in real life.
  •  Hermione’s favorite snack on movie sets is popcorn with a little bit of salt.
  •  She learned to ride a horse for a movie, and now she loves horse riding.
  •  Hermione thinks that if she wasn’t an actress, she might have been a teacher.
  •  Her favorite color is blue because it reminds her of the sky on a sunny day.


  • How tall is Hermione Corfield?
  • She’s as tall as 11 and a half rulers stacked up! That’s 5 feet 8 inches.
  • What movies is she in?
  • Hermione has been in cool movies like “Mission: Impossible” and “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”
  • Does Hermione have pets?
  • Yes! She has a dog named Otter who is her furry best friend.
  • What does Hermione like to do for fun?
  • She loves playing with Otter, dressing up in cool outfits, reading exciting books, traveling to new places, and taking lots of pictures.
  • Where is Hermione from?
  • She’s from London, which is a big city in England.


Hermione Corfield is like a shining light in movies, showing us we can all be heroes in our stories. She teaches us to dream big, just like she did, and look at her now! She’s in movies where she goes on amazing adventures. Hermione shows us it’s cool to be brave, to love fashion, to play with our pets, and to always keep learning.

She makes us believe in magic and the power of dreams. Remember, no dream is too big if you work hard and have fun along the way, just like Hermione!


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