Lexi Rivera Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Lexi Rivera

Lexi Rivera is a well-known American social media personality, YouTuber, and actress. She rose to fame through her entertaining content on YouTube and TikTok. With her charming personality and comedic skits, she has gained a massive following of over 12 million on TikTok and 5 million on YouTube. Apart from her online presence, Lexi also has a successful acting career and has even been featured in her own series “Brobot” alongside her brother.

Who is Lexi Rivera?

Lexi Rivera is a famous person on the internet. She makes fun videos that many people like to watch. Lexi was born on June 7, 2001, which means she’s 24 years old now. She lives in California, a sunny place in the United States. Lexi has a big family with a mom named Laura, a dad named John, and three older brothers named Brent, Brice, and Blake.

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They all care about each other a lot. Lexi also acted in a show called “Brobot” where she played a character named Max. Besides making videos, Lexi loves spending time with her friends and family, and she shares these fun moments with her fans. People love watching Lexi because she always finds ways to make them smile. She shows that being kind and creative is cool.

Lexi Rivera

Bio wiki/


Date of Birth Jun 07, 2001
Age 24 Years as odf 2024
Birth Place California, United States
Residence California, United States
Country United States
Profession YouTuber, Instagrammer, TikToker and Social Media Personality
Education Student
Father John Rivera
Mother Laura Rivera
Nationality American
Religion Christianity
Brother Blake Rivera, Brent Rivera, and Brice Rivera
Religion Christianity
Spouse Andrew Davila (Relationship Rumored)
Horoscope Gemini
Weight 58 KG
Height 5 Feet 7 Inches
Net Worth $2 Million

Real Name and Ethnicity

Lexi Rivera’s real name is Alexa Brooke Rivera. It’s a pretty name, Lexi is what her family and friends like to call her, and lots of people know her by this name now. Lexi has roots from two different places in the world. Her family is part Mexican and part Italian. This means she comes from a mix of two cultures which is really cool!

Imagine having two different places you can learn about and celebrate. That’s what it’s like for Lexi. She gets to enjoy traditions, food, and stories from Mexico and Italy. It’s like having the best of both worlds. So, when you hear about Lexi Rivera, you know she’s a mix of two beautiful cultures.

Early Life and Education

Lexi Rivera grew up in a sunny place called California, where the beaches are pretty, and the sun smiles a lot. Imagine living where you can play outside almost every day! Lexi went to a school nearby her house, where she learned just like you – reading books, playing with friends during break time, and maybe even doing some fun projects for homework.

She has always been a very curious girl, always asking questions and wanting to learn new things, whether in class or while playing. Lexi also loved doing flips and tricks, kind of like a gymnast, showing she’s not just good at studying but also very active. Growing up with her three brothers meant lots of fun and games, making her childhood filled with happy memories and learning moments both in and out of school.

Parents and Siblings

Lexi has a lovely family that’s big and full of love. Her mommy is named Laura, and her daddy is named John. They always support Lexi in everything she does, making sure she’s happy and smiling. Lexi isn’t the only kid in her family; she has three older brothers! Their names are Brent, Brice, and Blake. Imagine having three big brothers to play with, share secrets, and have fun adventures together!

Brent, one of her brothers, makes videos just like Lexi. They sometimes create funny and cool videos together. Having a family like this means there’s never a dull moment at home, with lots of laughter and happy times shared together.

Lexi Rivera Boyfriend/ Husband

Lexi had a friend named Ben Azelart, and they liked each other a lot. They were more than just friends; they were boyfriend and girlfriend. But, like sometimes happens with friends, they decided not to be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore at the end of 2020. That made them both sad, but they still stayed friends. After some time, people started to think that Lexi might have a new special friend, Andrew Davila.

They saw them together and thought maybe they liked each other a lot too. Lexi and Andrew haven’t said they are boyfriend and girlfriend for sure, but many people believe they might be. They look happy together, and that’s what matters. Just like in stories, finding a friend you really like is something very special.

The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Lexi Rivera is a young lady who looks just like a fairy tale princess. She stands tall at a height that many kids might dream of reaching one day, like a tree that’s grown tall in the sun. Lexi is as tall as five whole footprints and seven more inches on top – that’s quite a bit if you imagine laying down footprints to measure!

Lexi Rivera

Lexi Rivera weight as much as 58 kg, but in a way that’s just right for her height 5’7″. It’s important to remember that everyone’s body is unique and special in its own way, and Lexi’s just happens to fit her perfectly. She takes care of herself and stays active, which helps her do all the fun flips and tricks in her videos. Lexi shows us that being healthy and happy with who you are is what truly matters.


Before Fame

Before Lexi became famous, she was just a regular girl who loved playing and having fun. She went to school like you, learned new things, and spent a lot of time with her family. Lexi always liked to be in front of a camera, making funny faces and acting out little stories. Sometimes, she would even put on shows for her family, making them laugh with her silly jokes and dances.

She loved doing gymnastics, flipping around, and showing everyone her cool moves. Lexi also enjoyed making videos just for fun, not knowing that one day, lots of people from all over the world would watch and love them. She was a creative and happy kid, always looking for ways to share her smiles and laughs with those around her.


Lexi Rivera is really good at making people laugh and smile with her videos. She started by sharing little clips on the internet where she did funny skits and showed her gymnastics skills. Because she was so fun to watch, more and more people began to follow her. Soon, she was not just a girl making videos, but a star on YouTube and TikTok!

People everywhere liked her so much that she got to act in a show called “Brobot” where she played a cool character named Max. Lexi works with her brother Brent and friends like Andrew Davila to create fun videos that make everyone happy. She loves turning her fun ideas into videos that people from all over the world can watch and enjoy.

Lexi Rivera Net Worth

Lexi Rivera has done a great job saving her pennies and making smart choices with her money from making videos and acting. People are very curious about how much money she might have. Imagine having a big piggy bank; Lexi Rivera net worth is about $2 million!

That’s like if you saved every allowance and birthday money ever and it grew as tall as a mountain! Lexi shows that when you work hard and are creative, you can save a lot of money. This helps her do more of the things she loves, like making fun videos for everyone to enjoy and maybe even helping others too.

Lexi Rivera Famous Reason

Lexi Rivera became famous because she loves sharing her fun life and creative ideas with the world through videos. She has a big, bright smile and can do amazing gymnastics flips that make people say “Wow!” Lexi makes videos that can make anyone laugh, even on a rainy day. She also plays characters, like Max from “Brobot,” making her stories on the screen come to life.

Imagine if your drawings could jump out of the paper and talk; that’s how Lexi brings her characters to life in her videos. People from all over like to watch her because she spreads happiness and shows that being yourself is the best thing you can be. That’s how Lexi Rivera became a star on YouTube and TikTok, by sharing her sparkle and joy with everyone.

Nationality and Religion

Lexi Rivera is from a place called the United States, which makes her American. This means she was born and lives in a country with lots of different people and places. America is known for being a big “melting pot,” where people from all over the world come to live. Lexi’s family believes in Christianity, which is a religion that teaches about being kind and loving to others.

Just like there are many types of flowers in a garden, there are many religions in the world, and Christianity is one of them. Lexi’s American nationality and Christian religion are parts of who she is, like the pieces of a puzzle that make her unique.

Legacy and Impact

Lexi Rivera has touched many hearts with her bright smile and fun videos. She shows us that it’s okay to be silly and to always find reasons to laugh. Lexi helps people forget their worries for a little while and instead, fill their day with joy. By sharing her talents, like doing amazing flips and making up funny stories, she inspires others to be brave and try new things.

Lexi’s kindness and creativity make the world a happier place, like adding sparkles to a plain room. She’s like a superhero without a cape, using her powers to spread happiness everywhere she goes.

Lexi Rivera  Future Plains

Lexi Rivera dreams big for the future! She wants to keep making videos that fill our days with giggles and grins. Lexi also hopes to act in more shows, bringing stories to life that can make us dream and wonder.

She might even try new things, like dancing or painting, sharing new adventures with all of us. Lexi believes in following your heart and trying hard, so whatever she does next, it’s sure to be exciting and full of joy. Imagine all the fun surprises she has in store for us!

Lexi Rivera Hobbies

  • Lexi loves to do lots of fun things when she’s not making videos or acting. Here are some of her favorite hobbies:
  • Playing Sports: Lexi enjoys playing all kinds of sports. She especially loves to play soccer and basketball with her friends and brothers.
  • Dancing: Moving to music makes Lexi really happy. She often dances just for fun, and sometimes she even shares her dance moves in her videos.
  • Drawing: Lexi likes to draw pictures. She uses bright colors to make beautiful art.
  • Spending Time Outside: Being outdoors is one of Lexi’s favorite things. She loves going to the beach, hiking in the mountains, and just playing in the park.

Interesting Facts About Lexi Rivera

  •  Lexi can do really cool flips because she practiced gymnastics. It’s like she’s almost flying!
  •  She has a big heart for animals and loves to spend time with cute pets.
  •  Lexi started making videos when she was very young, almost like you!
  •  She can turn almost any idea into a fun video or a cool story to share.
  • Lexi has a favorite snack – she loves eating pizza with lots of cheese.
  •  She likes to learn new things and is always curious, just like a detective solving mysteries.
  •  Lexi’s videos have been watched by people all around the world, making her friends everywhere!


How old is Lexi Rivera?

Lexi is 23 years old.

Where does Lexi Rivera live?

She lives in California, in the United States.

Does Lexi have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, she has three older brothers.

Who are Lexi’s parents?

Her mom is Laura and her dad is John.

Is Lexi dating anyone?

People think she might be dating Andrew Davila, but it’s not confirmed.

What does Lexi like to do for fun?

She likes making videos, playing sports, dancing, and drawing.

Can Lexi do flips?

Yes, she’s really good at gymnastics and can do cool flips!


Lexi Rivera is a shining star in the world of videos and fun stories. With her happy videos, she brings smiles to faces all over the planet. Lexi shows us that being true to who you are and sharing your joy can make a big difference. She reminds us to keep dreaming, keep laughing, and always look for the fun in every day.

Lexi’s adventures and stories tell us that anyone can be a hero in their own way by spreading happiness. Let’s keep watching and cheering for Lexi as she continues to fill the world with her wonderful light and laughter.


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